Principal's Message

Dear Parent/Guardian,

With pleasure and humility I assumed the post of Principal of St. George Secondary School (SGSS) in September 2017. This gave me the chance to lead a cadre of highly qualified, committed and dedicated staff, and to impact the lives of over 700 students.

My own academic experience and subsequent observation, convince me that schools classified as “newer Secondary Schools”, are just as good as any other schools which offer students high quality education. This is borne out by the impressive number of graduates of St. George Secondary School holding significant positions in our nation, region and the world. Our alumni include doctors, beauticians, teachers, artisans, lawyers, nurses, policemen, politicians, entrepreneurs and many other successful, productive citizens.

So as parents, we implore you to keep on believing in your children and encouraging them to be the best that they can be. Let us work closely together to develop their confidence and their will to succeed. Let us help them to develop their God-given talents and gifts and understand that they are just as good as anyone else and no one that is better than they.

We are committed to ensuring that each student graduates with an academic qualification. Here at St George we offer your child a variety of opportunities for certification in the Caribbean Secondary Entrance Certificate – CSEC; Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Level Competence – CCSLC; Caribbean Vocational Qualification – CVQ, City & Guilds and the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI). Your child is also provided with the opportunity to demonstrate excellence in a sporting or extra-curricular activity.

My staff and I fully support the vision, mission, motto and values of SGSS outlined in the school's handbook. As we prepare our students for success in our twenty-first century world, we look beyond their employability and try to stimulate in them the desire and courage to become entrepreneurs (who set up businesses) to earn honest income for themselves and provide employment for others. Our School-To-Work Programme is one of the strategies that we use to expose students to the myriad of business opportunities, linkages and networks accessible to them.

I and my staff will do our utmost to ensure that this school continues to be an institution offering high quality education. We look forward to having you as partners and stakeholders in this process. May God bless the entire school family as we make our contribution to building the reputation of Barbados as a nation of justice, peace, truth, kindness, industry and excellence.


Yours faithfully

Dennis A. Browne Principal